Recruitment Skills Training

We provide Recruitment Skills Training Courses for Both Hiring Managers and Recruitment / TA Teams Nationally across Australia.


Our Courses Increase Recruitment Capabilities for Leaders

Our recruitment skills training courses are designed to help solve problems in medium to large companies in attracting the right talent, finding the right fit to role and organisation culture and improving employee retention. Our courses can be tailored and bespoke to your company's needs and can train leaders in strategic recruitment, or the TA team to improve your TA practices.

With over 28 years of experience in Recruitment and Internal TA functions, we are often asked to provide strategic recruitment skills training for leaders. This comes in half-day, full-day and or two-day programs.

We see Recruitment Skills and the ability to attract, hire and keep the right talent as key cornerstone leadership skills. Our clients are delighted with our courses and the capability uplift provided to their leaders as helps underpin their business strategy for growth.

All courses can be fully tailored to the client’s needs. In 2022 we launched The Recruitment Skills Academy. Providing specialist recruitment skills training for TA teams, Leaders and Hiring Managers. For further information on how we can customise a training program to suit your organisation and improve your recruitment practices, compliance and D&I please get in touch.

Recruitment Skills For Hiring Managers
This course is suitable for hiring managers and junior HR professionals, who want to attract the best in the marketplace and formalise their learning to ensure best practice is applied. Ideal for those organisations wanting more consistent, structured recruitment practices, fair interviewing processes and raising the standard of good hiring decisions, ultimately leading to reduced turnover of staff and high-performing organisations.
Strategic Recruitment for Leaders In HR & Legal
This course is suitable for Hiring Managers and HR professionals in the legal industry, who want to attract the best in the marketplace and formalise their learning to ensure best practice is applied. Ideal for those organisations wanting more consistent, structured recruitment practices, fair interviewing processes and raising the standard on good questioning techniques through to better hiring decisions. Ultimately leading to reduced turnover of staff and high performing organisations.
TA Fundamentals Training
Many in the TA profession have never received any formal training. This course is ideal for anyone in TA or HR and covers some fundamentals such as Competency Based Interviewing, EEO and the law, through to best practice recruitment techniques and insights on the marketplace and new attraction strategies.
Government Recruitment Skills For Hiring Managers
This course is suitable for hiring managers and junior HR professionals, in government who need to understand the principles of hiring on merit yet coupled with recruitment best practice. For those that want to attract the best in the marketplace and formalise their learning to ensure good techniques are applied. Ideal for those government agencies wanting more consistent, structured recruitment practices, a fair and transparent processes whilst raising the standard of good hiring decisions.

How we can help

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A Tailored 
All our courses can be tailored for your organisation. This includes referring to your policy and procedures and resources and or the length of the program to best suit the needs of the business.
Courses come in half day, one day or two-day programs depending on the mix and match content you require.
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Diversity & Unconscious Bias Training Included
All our courses cover EEO & the Law in Recruitment and also can include Unconscious Bias Training and the need for more Diversity and Inclusion in hiring practices and how to achieve this.
Contact us to discover how we can help your company

What does a One Day Recruitment Skills Program look like?

Download a typical One-day course outline here. We are happy to tailor courses and content to suit your needs, timings and budget.


Case Studies


Recruitment ATS review

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Large Petrochemical Company


To review all existing recruitment practices across three very different divisions and make recommendations for improvement to TA or RPO. Including at looking at new ATS options.


Identified an additional $5.2 million of “unseen” spend, highlighted 20 “suppliers” who were not on the official panel. Put forward 13 key recommendations for recruitment process improvement, with potential cost savings of 56% on temp fees and on costs, a saving of $892K. Tighter cost controls, improved standards & increased cross divisional efficiencies.


Full Recruitment Review Undertaken over a three-week period.


RPO Vendor Selection

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National Retail Chain of Stores


To help create a new centralised TA / recruitment team, to provide centralised, national support for local store managers by helping select a new Master Vendor for all retail recruitment.


Acted as neutral independent consultant, working as part of Project Team with HR, Line Managers and Procurement Dept to draft tender document, vet tenders submitted, attend vendor site visits, question viability of models proposed & check capabilities of vendors.


Lead to thorough, prompt, successful selection of new RPO Vendor.


High Staff Turnover Challenge / Increase Retention



Multinational Health & Pest Control Company


Extremely high turnover of staff, particularly in the sales force. Wished to know why and what could be done to change such a trend. Most people leaving in the first three months.


Recruitment Audit Undertaken over a four week period, including analysis of hiring practices, salary packages and targets, staff focus groups and exit interview data.


Reduced Turnover, improved selection practices and advertising standards nationally. Reviewed salary packages and proposed new “warm welcome” induction process.


What our clients say

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“Before working with Hill Consulting, our recruitment function was not centralised, inefficient, and far from best-practice. We were spending excessively with far too many agencies, had no preferred supplier agreements in place, had a long complex process and had no automation or online hiring practices. Hill Consulting’s audit helped us identify thirteen key changes that we needed to implement. Following the audit, we decided to purchase and implement a Candidate Management System and centralise the recruitment team. This provided much needed standardisation, greater efficiencies, and a more professional service to the business with significant cost benefits.”

Ted Bradshaw, HRD, Aurora Energy, Tasmania.
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“For a strategic review - a key feature of Hill Consulting HRS is their total independence from any recruiter, recruitment process outsourcing or candidate management system provider. This ensures their complete objectivity and neutrality in assessing their clients’ recruitment needs, challenges and opportunities.”

Andrew Hall, Director, Sydney, NSW.
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“Hill Consulting HRS have provided excellent solutions and service to our organisation. The flexibility and adaptability that was also provided made working with them so easy, given business priorities change and therefore the solutions provided at times had to also change.”

Sharyn Shultz, HRD, Sydney, NSW.
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“I have known Hill Consulting HRS and Rachel for many years both personally and professionally, and find their consultants to be extremely intelligent and highly motivated HR professionals. I would highly recommend Hill Consulting HRS to any organisation needing specialist consulting services in recruitment advice and strategy arenas.”

Nikki Beaumont, Director, NSW.
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“I know it is late but I wanted to say thank you for matching me with Annette and Scoot Boots. Just finished the first week. Love the team and the culture.

Recent candidate Tasmania
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Why we are different

Not a typical Recruitment Agency. We can flex to suit your needs. You can use us as little or much of our services as you need. We are adaptable, flexible and will tailor every project or campaign for your specific organisation and roles. We also work hard to reduce your costs and time to hire, improve efficiencies and help share skills and Knowledge. Our differential being the data, analysis and insights we provide to clients at every step in the process.


Where Are the Courses Held?

We can hold public courses at either of our Sydney or Melbourne training locations or as many clients prefer, we come on-site and teach the courses at your premises.

Other clients prefer online programs to be delivered in shorter half-day or two-hour sessions.

What Do Our Recruitment Courses Cover?

  • The current marketplace
  • The role of social media in modern day recruitment
  • EVP and Employer branding and the need to sell the role and the organisation
  • Competency and behavioural-based interviewing
  • Making the right hiring decisions (choosing the best candidate)
  • Gain an understanding of the organisation’s recruitment and selection framework and process
  • Creating diversity and inclusion in recruitment practices
  • Understanding unconscious bias, and what to watch for during recruitment
  • EEO and the laws affecting recruitment best practice
  • Using suitable evaluation and assessment tools and techniques to select the right candidate (job fit)
  • Competency-based Interviewing structure, questioning, and probing techniques
  • Evidence gathering and scoring
  • Reference checking
  • The role of good onboarding and orientation
  • Applying the correct selection tools and techniques to achieve a transparent and fair and accountable recruitment process.

A range of other HR and Recruitment topics can be included in the Recruitment Skills Training:

Essential topics covered in our workshops can include one or more of the following six key areas:

1. Capability / Behavioural-based recruitment and selection

  • How to extract criteria from Position Descriptions
  • Key features of behavioural-based recruitment and selection?

2. Preparation & Planning

  • An overview of the organisation’s recruitment and selection process
  • Importance of Job Design & Planning
  • Different recruitment methods
  • Planning - mapping out the entire recruitment and selection process before you embark on the recruitment and selection (from start to finish)
  • Interview and question preparation
  • Managing conflicts of interest before the recruitment process begins and throughout the process
  • Tools available for recruiting managers

3. Recruiting for diversity and addressing biases

  • Understanding EEO and the Law considerations
  • Diversity and Inclusion practices, and unconscious Bias training
  • Benefits for diversity in recruitment
  • Risks for not addressing biases in recruitment / team diversity
  • The techniques and tools that recruiting managers and panel members can use to minimise and/or remove biases during recruitment

4. Job Design & Planning

  • Design and develop a Position Description (PD)
  • Best practice to review your PD, whether it is a new or an existing position,

To help you attract the best pool of candidates.  

  • Design and develop a set of selection criteria that are clear and inclusive

5. Tailoring Interview Guides & Questions. + Assessment and evidence guide

  • Capability / Behavioural Based Interviewing
  • Good Question Structure
  • Poor questions – what not to use
  • Ability to probe
  • Scoring questions and evidence
  • Recordkeeping – documenting process, discussions, and decisions

6. Understanding EVP, Talent Branding and the current Employment Market place


Who is this course for?

This course is ideal for any Hiring Manager or Leader running a team or a function. Its also suitable for people in HR or new to the recruitment function.
Many organisations now recognise recruitment is a core skill for their leaders and make this part of their broader leadership programs.

Why do you include Diversity & Inclusion elements?

We have found these elements are very popular components of the programs. Often specifically asked for by HR.

The theme of Diversity and Inclusion threads throughout the day, however, we have specific sections on EEO and the Law (Discrimination, Privacy Act etc.), recognising Unconscious Bias, Barriers to Hire and redefining talent pools.

As D&I initiatives become more commonplace across workplaces employers recognise these do not operate in a silo. Hence leaders need to be fully aware of initiatives and barriers for some during their own hiring practices and interviews.

Where are the courses held?

We occasionally run public courses, however proving more popular are in-house courses for corporate clients. This is where we take our standard program and tailor it for the client e.g. include their own policy and procedures, values and EVP and Brand messages etc. We deliver it on-site for their hiring managers. Helping the material resonate more with hiring managers

Is there a course booklet?

Yes, every participant gets a course booklet. This is not just a copy of the slides but contains heaps of information, and blank pages for notes and Ah ha moments. It's ideal so managers can take back to their desks as a look-up manual after the training. It also comes in a PDF format for those wanting to save on paper and or have online modules.

What are the key learning outcomes of attending this course?

There are so many! These are listed on each specific course page. The one-day program is jam-packed and covers everything from the current marketplace, the law, good questioning techniques, interview structure, interview etiquette, candidate care, Competency Based Interviewing, onboarding, reference checking and unconscious bias training.

What skills, capability uplift and ROI can we expect for leaders attending the Program?

Benefits for the organisation and the individual are many and varied but a summary would be:

• Stops Hiring Managers doing all the talking (we support a 30:70 rule)
• Stops Irrelevant questions
• Stops Illegal questions and practices (think Discrimination Acts at Federal and State levels)
• Get the most relevant information from each candidate
• Ensures managers are prepared and have thought about their questions
• Ensures consistency and compliance
• Provides structure (less rambling or inappropriate questions)
• Reduces unconscious bias
• Improves Diversity and Inclusion across hiring practices
• Raises standards of attraction
• Improves candidate care and feedback mechanisms
• Ensures EVP and Brand messages (selling the role and organisation)
• Raises standards of questions and question types
• Ensure the right skills and competencies for the role are sought and assessed during recruitment
• Better fit on hires to organisational culture, values, and behaviours
• Makes sure it’s a great experience and managers can better sell the role and organisation and secure talented candidates

Do you cover employment law?

Yes, we cover employment law. Our legal section and pre-course quiz also include such elements as:

Discrimination Acts (Federal and State based), The Privacy Act, Fair Trade Act, Awards, Agreements, Code of Conduct, Reference Checking etc